In Rage of Demons, Demon Lords are invading the Underdark, a deadly, subterranean realm inhabited by the most dangerous monsters of D&D lore. The demon lords have begun to conquer regions of the Underdark and threaten to emerge on the surface. If successful they will bring their personal flavor of madness to Faerun. Will they succeed in their quest? Or will you help thwart the rise of the Demon Lords? The D&D Icons of the Realms: Rage of Demons includes well-known figures such as: Beholder, Djinn, Nightmare, Rust Monster, Roper and more!
- Rage of Demons sealed booster brick containing 8 booster packs
- Each booster pack contains 1 Large Miniature and 3 Medium or Small Miniatures
- 32 miniatures total
- Miniatures will vary